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During a review of care with AC’s Social Worker Betty, she was very flattering about our company and the quality of care we are delivering to the client. She said we are all very good and out of all our clients she has reviewed, she has received very positive comments about us. She also added that even her colleagues praise our agency all the time; whenever they have a client from our agency to review, they are happy to do it as they already know that there will be no concerns/issues or complaints compared to other agencies. Also the office staff always respond to their queries swiftly. Even after the review the social worker did not stop praising JCM, telling the staff member to carry on doing a good job.
“Approachable, friendly and helpful”
Staff SP - HCA
“Carers are kind and caring, I would not have been able to get by without the support I receive from JCM carers.”
“I write to express my gratitude to the staff that have been caring for my grandmother.”